Our Price Comparison for 1 Year of Fragrance...
Scentsy...Candle Warmer $30 + 12 Candle Bars ($5.00ea)Using 1 Candle Bar Per Month Our Candle Bars warm an average of 50 to 80 hours. Order through a qualifying home or book show and receive free shipping. Your Cost: $80.00 (Saving You $147.40) | Popular Candle Competitor...(16oz) Jar Candle + 12 x $18.95(Using 1 Jar Candle Per Month - Tax & Shipping Not Included) Competitor's candle burns an average of 50 to 80 hours. Your Cost: $227.40 |
(And you still have your beautiful candle warmer for many uses to come!)
In addition, our Wickless Candle Bars add a new level of safety to candle lovers everywhere, while still allowing you to enjoy the lovely aroma candles provide. Basically, you receive the benefits of a candle with out any of the common candle concerns.

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